Since 2015, we have led the effort to permanently protect the genealogical legacy of Hodinöhsö:ni' communities. We strive to be at the forefront of accumulating, preserving and sharing information for our future generations.
Our Objectives
To further genealogical knowledge and research of the Hodinöhsö:ni' and related peoples.
Make the public aware of the resources available related to the Hodinöhsö:ni' nations and territories.
Preserve the knowledge of our elders to facilitate its passing to future generations.
Research, collect, preserve and archive documents related to our shared genealogy.
Digitize all documents, manuscripts and photos for ease of sharing.
Develop strategic partnerships to facilitate these goals
What We've Achieved
Dr.James D. Folts presentation informing the community about the resources available at the New York State Archives.
Creation of a digital archive for the preservation of photos & genealogical documents.
Facilitated Dr. Lori Quigley presenting her research regarding the Thomas Indian School to the Cattaraugus community.
Buffalo Creek Territory presentation at the Western New York Genealogical Society conference.
Creation of a Facebook community to enable the sharing of information.
Hosted Dickinson College representatives to detail the resources available through the Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center.
Connected families through their shared genealogy.
Presented and cataloged the genealogical records of numerous IGS members.
Perfected the art of pot luck dinner!