Thomas Indian School
1901 Football Team
How to Use Our Website
Our society is working to make this website a user friendly and informative research experience.
We have organized our website into three sections: About, Collection and Resources. Below you will find a brief overview of each section and what you can look to find in each.
This section is the administrative area of our website. Here you will find our mission statement and the actions we take to achieve this mission. You will be able the review some of our previous accomplishments and learn about our ongoing projects. Look here to find the groups and societies we have partnered with and links to their websites. This is the section to look to for contact information, our current officers and our calendar of meetings and events. In this section you can also make a suggestion and submit a form to join our society.
This section is truly meant to be the heart of our website. Located here are the results of our ongoing digitization project to make documents of genealogical interest to Hodinöhsö:ni' communities easily accessible. This area has been organized into several subsections based on the type of material being presented:
Document Archive, here you will find census records, church records, school records, manuscripts, The Kansas Claims and the Iroquois Census Project.
Photo Galleries, located in this section are the photo collections of IGS members and those of patnered societies and organizations. Also you are able to submit you own photos for inclusion on the website and help others identify unknown persons in photos.
Map Gallery, this is a gallery of digital maps in the IGS collection that are of interest to Hodinöhsö:ni' communities.
IGS Presentations, the section houses presentations done by IGS members and guests in various formats. These prestations have proven excellent resources to begin and advance your research.
Member Genealogies, family trees and genealogical resource documents provided by IGS members. Here you will find an option to submit your own family tree for inclusion.
Stories and Narratives, here you will find local histories and stories that may be of some genealogical interest.
Submissions, this is the area where you may submit your own documents to be considered for inclusion on our website.
Our collection continues to grow and evolve through our own research and partnerships with affiliated societies. Anyone who has dipped their toe into Hodinöhsö:ni' genealogy knows it can be a daunting process. Part of our mission is to ease the struggle of the interested researcher.
This section is dedicated to providing the resources and tools to help advance your research:
IGS Genealogy 101, this sections offers the beginning researcher some starting points to begin when researching Hodinöhsö:ni' genealogy. In addition on this page you will find some forms to help you document your findings and explain family relationships.
Genealogy Websites, the section offers links to websites both national and local that could help you further your genealogical research.
Native Genealogy, this page offers links to websites that have proved to be a resources for Hodinöhsö:ni' or First Nations research specifically.
Recommended Reading, here is our societies curated list of books we recommend to advance Hodinöhsö:ni' genealogical research. The page provides a synopsis for each work and when available a link to where the book can be purchased or reviewed.
In addition to the resources listed above the website has a search option at the bottom of each page. Keep in mind that this tool will not search within documents or links but will return results for any text through out the website. Your best results would come from searching a collection name or record type.